Saturday, November 11, 2023

JOSHUA- Bible Quiz - Chapter 3

Joshua Chapter 3 marks a pivotal moment in Israelite history, detailing the miraculous crossing of the Jordan River. Guided by divine instruction, Joshua leads the Israelites toward the Promised Land. The chapter symbolizes faith, obedience, and God's faithfulness as the river miraculously parts, allowing the people to pass on dry ground. It signifies a new beginning, emphasizing trust in divine guidance amid challenges. Joshua 3 showcases the power of faith to overcome obstacles and reinforces God's promise fulfillment. This chapter remains a profound testament to unwavering trust and signals the commencement of a significant phase in Israel's journey toward their destiny.

Explore the insightful quiz delving into the profound narratives and spiritual depth of Joshua Chapter 3.

1. What river did the Israelites cross as they entered the Promised Land?

a. Nile River

b. Jordan River

c. Euphrates River

d. Tigris River

b. Jordan River

2. What specific instructions did Joshua give to the people before crossing the Jordan?

a. Build a bridge

b. Consecrate themselves

c. Find another crossing point

d. Wait for the Ark to fly them across

b. Consecrate themselves

3. What was the role of the priests carrying the Ark during the crossing of the Jordan?

a. Leading the army

b. Offering sacrifices

c. Staying behind

d. Stepping into the river

d. Stepping into the river

4. How did the waters of the Jordan River stop flowing?

a. Earthquake

b. A dam was built

c. God dried up the waters

d. The priests held back the water

c. God dried up the waters

5. How many stones were taken from the Jordan River to set up as a memorial at Gilgal?

a. 7 stones

b. 10 stones

c. 12 stones

d. 15 stones

c. 12 stones

6. What did Joshua command the people to do with the twelve stones?

a. Build a tower

b. Set up a memorial

c. Carry them into battle

d. Throw them into the Jordan

b. Set up a memorial

7. What did the people of Jericho think about the Israelites when they heard about the crossing of the Jordan?

a. They were terrified

b. They were amused

c. They were indifferent

d. They were hostile

a. They were terrified

8. What did the commander of the Lord's army instruct Joshua to do?

a. Attack Jericho immediately

b. Remove his sandals

c. Worship and pray

d. Build an altar

b. Remove his sandals

9. What specific instructions did Joshua give to the priests carrying the Ark as they entered the Jordan?

a. Walk quickly

b. Stand still

c. Step into the water

d. Turn back

c. Step into the water

10. What did the Israelites do after crossing the Jordan?

a. Build a city

b. Set up camp at Gilgal

c. Attack Jericho

d. Rest for a month

b. Set up camp at Gilgal

11. What specific item did the priests carry into the Jordan River?

a. Sword

b. Staff

c. Ark of the Covenant

d. Trumpet

c. Ark of the Covenant

12. How far away were the waters piled up, upstream from the city of Adam?

a. 5 miles

b. 10 miles

c. 15 miles

d. 20 miles

d. 20 miles

13. How did the Israelites pass through the Jordan River?

a. By swimming

b. On a bridge

c. On dry ground

d. Using boats

c. On dry ground

14. What did Joshua command the people to do after crossing the Jordan?

a. Build a tower

b. Set up a memorial

c. Plant a garden

d. Disperse into the land

b. Set up a memorial

15. What did Joshua tell the Israelites about the Ark of the Covenant?

a. It was lost

b. It was stolen

c. It went ahead of them

d. It was left behind

c. It went ahead of them

16. How many tribes did Joshua select to take stones from the Jordan River?

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 12

d. 12

17. Where did the Israelites set up the memorial of twelve stones?

a. Gilgal

b. Jericho

c. Bethel

d. Mizpah

a. Gilgal

18. What did Joshua say the memorial stones would be for?

a. A place of sacrifice

b. A reminder for future generations

c. A place of worship

d. A monument for the priests

b. A reminder for future generations

19. What did the Israelites do after setting up the memorial?

a. Attack Jericho

b. Celebrate with a feast

c. Continue their journey

d. Rest for a week

c. Continue their journey

20. Who appeared to Joshua as the commander of the army of the Lord?

a. Moses

b. Michael

c. Gabriel

d. The Angel of the Lord

d. The Angel of the Lord

21. What did the Israelites carry with them into the Jordan River?

a. Swords

b. Idols

c. Livestock

d. The Ark of the Covenant

d. The Ark of the Covenant

22. How many days did the people have to wait before crossing the Jordan?

a. 1 day

b. 3 days

c. 7 days

d. 10 days

c. 7 days

23. What was the purpose of the Jordan crossing miracle?

a. To display the power of God

b. To confuse the enemy

c. To find a shortcut

d. To impress other nations

a. To display the power of God

24. Where did the priests stand with the Ark while the Israelites crossed the Jordan?

a. In the middle of the river

b. On the riverbank

c. At the rear of the procession

d. On a mountain

a. In the middle of the river

25. What did the people do as they crossed the Jordan River?

a. Sing and dance

b. Shout and blow trumpets

c. Pray silently

d. Carry idols

b. Shout and blow trumpets

26. What did the people say about Joshua after the Jordan crossing?

a. He was a great warrior

b. He was a wise leader

c. He was filled with the Spirit

d. He was like Moses

d. He was like Moses

27. What did God promise Joshua as they entered the Promised Land?

a. Wealth and prosperity

b. Military success

c. His presence

d. Eternal life

c. His presence

28. What did the Israelites take from the Jordan River to set up at Gilgal?

a. Stones

b. Fish

c. Sand

d. Water

d. Water

29. What happened to the Jordan River after the Israelites crossed?

a. It dried up

b. It flooded

c. It changed course

d. It remained unchanged

a. It dried up

30. What did the Israelites do after setting up the memorial at Gilgal?

a. Build a temple

b. Offer sacrifices

c. Celebrate the Passover

d. Rest for a week

c. Celebrate the Passover



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