Friday, November 24, 2023

JOSHUA - Bible Quiz - Chapter 18

Joshua Chapter 18 details the division of the Promised Land among seven tribes of Israel, showcasing themes of inheritance, unity, and divine guidance. Assembling at Shiloh, the Israelites allocate territories, fulfilling God's covenant. This pivotal chapter signifies shared heritage, divine providence, and the importance of collective responsibility. It emphasizes unity and cooperation among tribes, echoing timeless lessons on faith and obedience. Beyond land division, it symbolizes spiritual significance and divine fulfillment. Joshua 18 remains a testament to shared legacies, imparting profound insights into biblical history and spiritual guidance.

Explore the Joshua Chapter 18 Quiz for an insightful journey into biblical narratives and historical significance.

1. In Joshua 18:1, where did the whole assembly of the Israelites gather?

a. Jerusalem

b. Shiloh

c. Jericho

d. Bethel

b. Shiloh

2. According to Joshua 18:2, how many Israelite tribes had not yet received their inheritance?

a. Seven

b. Five

c. Ten

d. Three

a. Seven

3. What was set up at Shiloh in Joshua 18:1?

a. The tabernacle

b. A monument

c. A palace

d. A market

a. The tabernacle

4. According to Joshua 18:4, what was the purpose of sending the men out?

a. To make war plans

b. To write a description of the land for each tribe

c. To collect offerings

d. To explore neighboring lands

b. To write a description of the land for each tribe

5. Who gave the instruction to appoint men for surveying the land in Joshua 18:4?

a. Moses

b. Joshua

c. Aaron

d. Caleb

b. Joshua

6. How many men in total were to be sent out for the land survey according to Joshua 18:4?

a. 12

b. 6

c. 9

d. 18

a. 12

7. In Joshua 18:5, how many parts was the land to be divided into?

a. 5

b. 9

c. 10

d. 7

d. 7

8. According to Joshua 18:5, which tribes were to remain in their territories?

a. Judah and Ephraim

b. Benjamin and Levi

c. Judah and Joseph

d. Simeon and Naphtali

c. Judah and Joseph

9. Who was instructed to remain in their territory according to Joshua 18:5?

a. Judah

b. Levi

c. Joseph

d. Simeon

c. Joseph

10. Why do the Levites not receive a portion among the tribes?

a. Because they were disobedient

b. Because they did not want land

c. Because they were priestly servants of the Lord

d. Because they were not part of the tribes

c. Because they were priestly servants of the Lord

11. According to Joshua 18:7, which tribes had already received their inheritance on the east side of the Jordan?

a. Ephraim and Benjamin

b. Gad, Reuben, and half-tribe of Manasseh

c. Simeon and Asher

d. Dan and Naphtali

b. Gad, Reuben, and half-tribe of Manasseh

12. Who gave the inheritance to Gad, Reuben, and the half-tribe of Manasseh according to Joshua 18:7?

a. Aaron

b. Moses

c. Joshua

d. Caleb

b. Moses

13. Where did Joshua instruct the men to return after surveying the land?

a. Jericho

b. Gilgal

c. Shiloh

d. Bethel

c. Shiloh

14. According to Joshua 18:8, what was the purpose of the men surveying the land?

a. To conquer the land

b. To make a description of it

c. To find hidden treasures

d. To build cities

b. To make a description of it

15. Where was Joshua planning to cast lots for the men after their return?

a. Bethlehem

b. Shechem

c. Shiloh

d. Hebron

c. Shiloh

16. How did the men document the land after their survey?

a. Oral descriptions

b. Carved inscriptions

c. Written on stone tablets

d. Wrote its description on a scroll, town by town

d. Wrote its description on a scroll, town by town

17. Where did the men return to after completing the description of the land?

a. Jericho

b. Gilgal

c. Shiloh

d. Bethel

c. Shiloh

18. How many parts did they divide the land description into?

a. Three

b. Five

c. Seven

d. Nine

c. Seven

19. Where did Joshua cast lots for the distribution of land?

a. Jericho

b. Gibeon

c. Shiloh

d. Bethel

c. Shiloh

20. Who was present during the distribution of land?

a. The elders of Judah

b. The Israelite tribes

c. The Philistine leaders

d. The presence of the Lord

d. The presence of the Lord

21. How did Joshua distribute the land?

a. According to their family names

b. Based on their age

c. According to their tribal divisions

d. Randomly

c. According to their tribal divisions

22. Which tribe received the first lot for its territory?

a. Judah

b. Joseph

c. Benjamin

d. Levi

c. Benjamin

23. Where was the allotted territory of Benjamin located?

a. Between Dan and Ephraim

b. Between the tribes of Judah and Joseph

c. Near the Sea of Galilee

d. In the Negev

b. Between the tribes of Judah and Joseph

24. Which tribes' territories bordered the allotted territory of Benjamin?

a. Judah and Asher

b. Ephraim and Manasseh

c. Judah and Joseph

d. Naphtali and Dan

c. Judah and Joseph

25. From where did the boundary of Benjamin begin on the north?

a. Jordan River

b. Jericho

c. Hill country

d. Beth Aven

a. Jordan River

26. Where did the boundary head after passing the northern slope of Jericho?

a. East

b. West

c. South

d. North

b. West

27. Where did the boundary of Benjamin come out after heading into the hill country?

a. Jericho

b. Jordan

c. Beth Aven

d. Wilderness

d. Wilderness of Beth Aven

28. Where did the boundary cross after reaching the wilderness of Beth Aven?

a. Luz

b. Ataroth Addar

c. Bethel

d. Lower Beth Horon

a. Luz

29. Which place is also known as Bethel?

a. Ataroth Addar

b. Luz

c. Lower Beth Horon

d. Bethel

d. Bethel

30. Where did the boundary descend after crossing the south slope of Luz?

a. Ataroth Addar

b. Lower Beth Horon

c. Bethel

d. Luz

a. Ataroth Addar

31. Which town is identified as Kiriath Baal in Joshua 18:14?

a. Beth Horon

b. Kiriath Jearim

c. Judah

d. Kiriath Baal

b. Kiriath Jearim

32. Where did the boundary turn south along the western side?

a. Beth Horon

b. Kiriath Baal

c. Kiriath Jearim

d. Judah

a. Beth Horon

33. Which tribe possessed the town of Kiriath Jearim according to Joshua 18:14?

a. Judah

b. Kiriath Baal

c. Kiriath Jearim

d. Beth Horon

a. Judah

34. Where did the southern side of the boundary begin according to Joshua 18:15?

a. Nephtoah

b. Kiriath Jearim

c. Outskirts of Kiriath Jearim

d. Spring of the waters of Nephtoah

c. Outskirts of Kiriath Jearim

35. Which location marked the end of the boundary's southern side in Joshua 18:15?

a. Kiriath Jearim

b. Nephtoah

c. Outskirts of Kiriath Jearim

d. Spring of the waters of Nephtoah

d. Spring of the waters of Nephtoah

36. What landmark did the southern boundary come out at, as per Joshua 18:15?

a. Kiriath Jearim

b. Nephtoah

c. Outskirts of Kiriath Jearim

d. Spring of the waters of Nephtoah

d. Spring of the waters of Nephtoah

37. In Joshua 18:16, what marked the boundary's location at the foot of the hill?

a. Valley of Rephaim

b. En Rogel

c. Valley of Ben Hinnom

d. Jebusite city

c. Valley of Ben Hinnom

38. According to Joshua 18:16, where did the boundary continue along after the foot of the hill?

a. En Rogel

b. Jebusite city

c. Valley of Rephaim

d. Hinnom Valley

d. Hinnom Valley

39. What landmark did the boundary follow along after reaching the southern slope of the Jebusite city?

a. Valley of Rephaim

b. En Rogel

c. Valley of Ben Hinnom

d. Hinnom Valley

b. En Rogel

40. According to Joshua 18:17, what landmark did the boundary curve toward after En Shemesh?

a. Geliloth

b. Pass of Adummim

c. Stone of Bohan

d. En Rogel

a. Geliloth

41. In Joshua 18:17, what landmark did the boundary face after Geliloth?

a. Pass of Adummim

b. En Shemesh

c. Stone of Bohan

d. En Rogel

a. Pass of Adummim

42. According to Joshua 18:17, where did the boundary run down to after the Pass of Adummim?

a. Stone of Bohan

b. En Shemesh

c. Geliloth

d. En Rogel

c. Geliloth

43. According to Joshua 18:18, where did the boundary continue after the Pass of Adummim?

a. Beth Arabah

b. En Shemesh

c. Geliloth

d. En Rogel

a. Beth Arabah

44. In Joshua 18:18, where did the boundary proceed after the northern slope of Beth Arabah?

a. Arabah

b. En Shemesh

c. Geliloth

d. En Rogel

a. Arabah

45. According to Joshua 18:18, where did the boundary descend after the Arabah?

a. Beth Arabah

b. En Shemesh

c. Geliloth

d. En Rogel

a. Beth Arabah

46. According to Joshua 18:19, where did the boundary go after the northern bay of the Dead Sea?

a. Beth Hoglah

b. Jordan River

c. Beth Arabah

d. En Shemesh

a. Beth Hoglah

47. In Joshua 18:19, what was mentioned as the boundary's point at the mouth of the Jordan?

a. Southern bay of the Dead Sea

b. Beth Hoglah

c. Beth Arabah

d. Northern bay of the Dead Sea

a. Southern bay of the Dead Sea

48. According to Joshua 18:19, where did the boundary proceed after the northern slope of Beth Hoglah?

a. Beth Arabah

b. Jordan River

c. Beth Hoglah

d. En Shemesh

a. Beth Arabah

49. According to Joshua 18:20, what was the eastern boundary of the inheritance of the clans of Benjamin?

a. Dead Sea

b. Jordan River

c. Valley of Ben Hinnom

d. Valley of Rephaim

b. Jordan River

50. In Joshua 18:20, what was highlighted as marking the inheritance boundaries of the clans of Benjamin?

a. Jordan River

b. Dead Sea

c. Valley of Ben Hinnom

d. Valley of Rephaim

a. Jordan River

51. According to Joshua 18:20, what did the Jordan River form for the inheritance of the clans of Benjamin?

a. Northern boundary

b. Eastern boundary

c. Southern boundary

d. Western boundary

b. Eastern boundary

52. How many towns and their villages are mentioned as part of the inheritance of the tribe of Benjamin in Joshua 18:21-24?

a. Nine

b. Ten

c. Eleven

d. Twelve

d. Twelve

53. Which town is not mentioned among the towns listed in Joshua 18:21-24 for the tribe of Benjamin?

a. Bethel

b. Avvim

c. Parah

d. Emek Keziz

a. Bethel

54. How many towns listed in Joshua 18:21-24 start with the letter "O"?

a. One

b. Two

c. Three

d. Four

c. Three

55. How many towns and their villages are mentioned as part of the inheritance of Benjamin in Joshua 18:25-28?

a. Twelve

b. Thirteen

c. Fourteen

d. Fifteen

c. Fourteen

56. Which town is not mentioned among the towns listed in Joshua 18:25-28 for the inheritance of Benjamin?

a. Ramah

b. Irpeel

c. Rekem

d. Mozah

b. Irpeel

57. How many towns listed in Joshua 18:25-28 start with the letter "G"?

a. Two

b. Three

c. Four

d. Five

a. Two

58. In Joshua 18:21-28, which tribe is attributed to the inheritance of towns like Jericho, Beth Hoglah, Gibeon, Ramah, Beeroth, and others?

a. Tribe of Ephraim

b. Tribe of Judah

c. Tribe of Benjamin

d. Tribe of Dan

c. Tribe of Benjamin



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