Monday, November 13, 2023

JOSHUA - Bible Quiz - Chapter 11

 Joshua chapter 11 narrates the culmination of Joshua's military campaigns as he successfully conquers the northern territories of Canaan. The chapter describes the defeat of numerous kings and the capture of key cities, showcasing the fulfillment of God's promise to give the land to the Israelites.

Joshua Chapter 11 - Conquest of the North

1. What did Jabin, the king of Hazor, gather together to fight against Israel?

a. An alliance of Canaanite kings

b. A coalition of Egyptian forces

c. A confederation of Philistine warriors

d. A battalion of Ammonite soldiers

a. An alliance of Canaanite kings (Joshua 11:1)

2. Which city sent messengers to join forces with Jabin, king of Hazor?

a. Jericho

b. Gibeon

c. Jerusalem

d. Ai

c. Jerusalem (Joshua 11:3)

3. Where did Joshua attack and capture the horses and chariots of the enemy?

a. Megiddo

b. Joppa

c. Gibeon

d. Hazor

a. Megiddo (Joshua 11:6)

4. What did the Lord instruct Joshua regarding the horses of the defeated armies?

a. Keep them for battle

b. Sell them to neighboring nations

c. Burn them with fire

d. Offer them as sacrifices

c. Burn them with fire (Joshua 11:6)

5. How many kings did Joshua strike and put to death in the conquest of northern Canaan?

a. 10

b. 15

c. 20

d. 25

d. 25 (Joshua 11:10)

6. Which city did Joshua burn with fire after capturing it?

a. Hazor

b. Jericho

c. Megiddo

d. Gibeon

c. Megiddo (Joshua 11:11)

7. Where did Joshua strike and utterly destroy the Anakim, the giants in the land?

a. Hebron

b. Jerusalem

c. Gath

d. Beersheba

a. Hebron (Joshua 11:21)

8. What did Joshua do to the cities that stood on their mounds in the conquest?

a. Rebuilt them

b. Plundered them

c. Burned them with fire

d. Offered peace to them

c. Burned them with fire (Joshua 11:11)

9. According to Joshua 11:15, how did the Lord deliver the cities into the hands of Israel?

a. Through a mighty earthquake

b. By sending a plague

c. By causing confusion among the enemy

d. Through a supernatural storm

c. By causing confusion among the enemy (Joshua 11:20)

10. How long did the campaign against the northern kings last?

a. One year

b. Two years

c. Five years

d. Seven years

b. Two years (Joshua 11:18)

11. Which people were left in the land of Canaan after the conquest?

a. Jebusites

b. Hittites

c. Amorites

d. Gibeonites

a. Jebusites (Joshua 11:3)

12. What city did Joshua take in the hills and the Negev?

a. Hebron

b. Jerusalem

c. Ai

d. Jericho

a. Hebron (Joshua 11:21)

13. Which king was the head of all the kingdoms Joshua conquered in the north?

a. King of Jericho

b. King of Hazor

c. King of Gibeon

d. King of Ai

b. King of Hazor (Joshua 11:10)

14. What did the Israelites take as plunder from the defeated cities?

a. Gold and silver

b. Cattle and sheep

c. Precious stones

d. Captive women and children

b. Cattle and sheep (Joshua 11:14)

15. Where did Joshua build an altar to the Lord after the conquest of the north?

a. On Mount Sinai

b. In Shiloh

c. On Mount Ebal

d. On Mount Carmel

c. On Mount Ebal (Joshua 11:3)

16. What river served as a boundary for the conquered territory in the north?

a. Jordan River

b. Euphrates River

c. Nile River

d. Tigris River

b. Euphrates River (Joshua 11:24)

17. What did Joshua do to the Anakim who remained in the land?

a. Made them servants

b. Drove them out

c. Allowed them to stay

d. Took them captive

b. Drove them out (Joshua 11:21)

18. According to Joshua 11:22, what did Joshua not do to any of the cities of the Anakim?

a. Destroy them utterly

b. Leave any survivors

c. Offer peace to them

d. Conquer them

a. Destroy them utterly (Joshua 11:22)

19. How many kings did Joshua conquer in the south during the campaign?

a. 10

b. 15

c. 20

d. 25

c. 20 (Joshua 11:10)

20. What did Joshua do to the cities that the Lord, the God of Israel, gave him?

a. Restored them

b. Consecrated them

c. Divided them among the tribes

d. Destroyed them

d. Destroyed them (Joshua 11:12)

21. What was the fate of the Hivites living in Gibeon?

a. They were spared

b. They were expelled

c. They were enslaved

d. They were offered peace

a. They were spared (Joshua 11:19)

22. Where did Joshua capture and destroy the city of Hazor?

a. In the plains of Moab

b. By the Sea of Galilee

c. In the hill country of Ephraim

d. In the wilderness of Zin

b. By the Sea of Galilee (Joshua 11:10)

23. According to Joshua 11:13, what did the Israelites not burn?

a. The cities on the plains

b. The cities in the hills

c. The cities of the Anakim

d. The cities that stood on their mounds

d. The cities that stood on their mounds (Joshua 11:13)

24. How many cities did Joshua capture in the hills and the lowlands?

a. 10

b. 15

c. 20

d. 25

d. 25 (Joshua 11:13)

25. What did Joshua do to the Anakim who lived in Hebron, Debir, and Anab?

a. Drove them out

b. Made them slaves

c. Killed them all

d. Allowed them to stay

a. Drove them out (Joshua 11:21)

26. How long did the northern campaign against these kings last?

a. Seven years

b. Ten years

c. One year

d. Several months

c. One year (Joshua 11:18)

27. What did Joshua give as an inheritance to the tribes of Israel?

a. Cities

b. Fields

c. Vineyards

d. Pastures

a. Cities (Joshua 11:23)

28. Who turned away from following the Lord and did not wholly follow His commands?

a. The Reubenites

b. The Gadites

c. The Manassites

d. The Ephraimites

c. The Manassites (Joshua 11:21)

29. Which city did Joshua burn?

a. Jericho

b. Ai

c. Hazor

d. Gibeon

c. Hazor (Joshua 11:13)

30. How many cities did Joshua capture in all?

a. 20

b. 50

c. 70

d. 90

c. 70 (Joshua 11:16)



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