Monday, November 13, 2023

JOSHUA - Bible Quiz - Chapter 13

Joshua chapter 13 outlines the division of the Promised Land among the tribes of Israel. It details the areas that still need to be conquered and addresses the unique inheritance of the tribe of Levi, who did not receive a specific portion of land but were given cities and pasturelands.

Quiz Questions:

1. What did God command Joshua to do in Joshua 13:1 regarding the unconquered land?

a. Divide it among the tribes

b. Leave it untouched

c. Offer it as a sacrifice

d. Return it to its original inhabitants

a. Divide it among the tribes (Joshua 13:1)

2. In Joshua 13:2-6, which people are mentioned as still occupying the land to be conquered?

a. Amorites and Hittites

b. Canaanites and Perizzites

c. Jebusites and Girgashites

d. Amalekites and Edomites

c. Jebusites and Girgashites (Joshua 13:2-6)

3. According to Joshua 13:6, what did God promise to do for Joshua in relation to the unconquered land?

a. Fight alongside him

b. Personally conquer the remaining territories

c. Send angels to assist him

d. Grant him a long life

b. Personally conquer the remaining territories (Joshua 13:6)

4. Which tribe did not receive a specific inheritance of land, according to Joshua 13:14?

a. Judah

b. Simeon

c. Levi

d. Reuben

c. Levi (Joshua 13:14)

5. How did the tribe of Levi inherit their portion, according to Joshua 13:14?

a. Through conquest

b. By purchase

c. By divine allocation

d. By drawing lots

c. By divine allocation (Joshua 13:14)

6. Which two and a half tribes received their inheritance on the east side of the Jordan, as mentioned in Joshua 13:8-12?

a. Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh

b. Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun

c. Benjamin, Ephraim, and Dan

d. Naphtali, Asher, and Simeon

a. Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh (Joshua 13:8-12)

7. According to Joshua 13:33, which tribe did Moses not give an inheritance because they received cities among their brothers?

a. Dan

b. Asher

c. Naphtali

d. Levi

d. Levi (Joshua 13:33)

8. How many cities did the tribe of Levi receive, according to Joshua 13:33?

a. 23

b. 48

c. 12

d. 33

b. 48 (Joshua 13:33)

9. In Joshua 13:22, which city did Balaam, the son of Beor, also known as the soothsayer, fail to conquer?

a. Jericho

b. Ai

c. Bethel

d. Heshbon

d. Heshbon (Joshua 13:22)

10. What territory did Joshua give as an inheritance to the tribe of Reuben, as mentioned in Joshua 13:15-23?

a. The Negev

b. The hill country

c. The Jordan Valley

d. The coastal plain

c. The Jordan Valley (Joshua 13:15-23)

11. Which river formed the eastern border of the tribe of Reuben, according to Joshua 13:16?

a. Nile

b. Euphrates

c. Jordan

d. Tigris

c. Jordan (Joshua 13:16)

12. In Joshua 13:24, which tribe received an inheritance that included the city of Gilead?

a. Reuben

b. Gad

c. Manasseh

d. Ephraim

b. Gad (Joshua 13:24)

13. According to Joshua 13:25, who was the chief of the tribe that received an inheritance east of the Jordan?

a. Jephunneh

b. Machir

c. Gideon

d. Ithiel

b. Machir (Joshua 13:25)

14. What did the Levites receive as their inheritance, according to Joshua 13:33?

a. Pasturelands and cities

b. Mountains and valleys

c. Vineyards and orchards

d. Deserts and wilderness

a. Pasturelands and cities (Joshua 13:33)

15. According to Joshua 13:33, what was the inheritance of the tribe of Reuben?

a. Vineyards and orchards

b. Pasturelands and cities

c. Deserts and wilderness

d. Mountains and valleys

b. Pasturelands and cities (Joshua 13:33)

16. Which tribe received an inheritance that extended to the border of Egypt, according to Joshua 13:3?

a. Judah

b. Simeon

c. Dan

d. Benjamin

a. Judah (Joshua 13:3)

17. What did Joshua instruct Eleazar, the priest, and the tribal leaders to do with the cities of the Levites, as mentioned in Joshua 13:14?

a. Burn them down

b. Give them to the tribes

c. Leave them untouched

d. Establish new leaders

b. Give them to the tribes (Joshua 13:14)

18. According to Joshua 13:22, what else did Balaam, the soothsayer, fail to conquer?

a. Jericho

b. Ai

c. Bethel

d. Kinnereth

d. Kinnereth (Joshua 13:22)

19. According to Joshua 13:32, which tribe did Moses not give an inheritance?

a. Judah

b. Reuben

c. Gad

d. Levi

d. Levi (Joshua 13:32)

20. In Joshua 13:26, what city did the tribe of Levi receive as their inheritance?

a. Hebron

b. Bethlehem

c. Shiloh

d. Debir

d. Debir (Joshua 13:26)

21. How many cities did the tribe of Gad receive as their inheritance, according to Joshua 13:25?

a. 12

b. 16

c. 20

d. 24

b. 16 (Joshua 13:25)

22. Which city did the tribe of Reuben receive as part of their inheritance, as mentioned in Joshua 13:16?

a. Bezer

b. Ramoth

c. Golan

d. Aroer

a. Bezer (Joshua 13:16)

23. According to Joshua 13:27, which tribe received cities with their villages in the region of Gilead?

a. Ephraim

b. Dan

c. Manasseh

d. Asher

c. Manasseh (Joshua 13:27)

24. According to Joshua 13:29, which tribe received an inheritance south of the Jordan?

a. Judah

b. Simeon

c. Benjamin

d. Reuben

a. Judah (Joshua 13:29)

25. In Joshua 13:22, which king did the children of Israel also kill with the sword?

a. Og, king of Bashan

b. Sihon, king of the Amorites

c. Balak, king of Moab

d. Adoni-Zedek, king of Jerusalem

b. Sihon, king of the Amorites (Joshua 13:22)

26. According to Joshua 13:30, which city did the children of Israel give to the Levites as a city of refuge?

a. Hebron

b. Golan

c. Kedesh

d. Ramoth

b. Golan (Joshua 13:30)

27. According to Joshua 13:14, what was the inheritance of the tribe of Levi?

a. Land and livestock

b. Gold and silver

c. Cities and their villages

d. Vineyards and orchards

c. Cities and their villages (Joshua 13:14)

28. According to Joshua 13:33, which tribe did Moses not give an inheritance?

a. Judah

b. Reuben

c. Gad

d. Levi

d. Levi (Joshua 13:33)

29. What was the territory of the tribe of Judah, as mentioned in Joshua 13:2?

a. From the wilderness to the Jordan

b. From the Dead Sea to the Sea of Galilee

c. From Beersheba to the hill country of Ephraim

d. From Egypt to the Euphrates

c. From Beersheba to the hill country of Ephraim (Joshua 13:2)

30. According to Joshua 13:32, which tribe did not receive an inheritance among the other tribes?

a. Judah

b. Reuben

c. Gad

d. Levi

d. Levi (Joshua 13:32)



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